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34 Products Found
梅酒 25度 竜峡梅酒 駒ヶ岳バレルエイジド 500ml 1本

梅酒 25度 竜峡梅酒 駒ヶ岳バレルエイジド 500ml 1本

¥3,000 JPY
竜峡梅酒 駒ヶ岳バレルエイジド RYUKYO UMESHU KOMAGATAKE BARREL AGED ウイスキー蒸溜所ならではの本格梅酒 長野県産竜峡小梅をブランデーで仕込みウイスキー樽でじっくりと熟成させた梅酒に、マルス駒ヶ岳蒸溜所で蒸留・熟成したモルト原酒をブレンドした贅沢な逸品です。 ウイスキー樽由来の蜂蜜を感じさせる深く華やかな香り、竜峡小梅の酸味とまろやかな甘みが調和した味わい、クリアで果実感のある上品な余韻が残るウイスキー蒸溜所ならではの本格梅酒をお楽しみください。 製品名 RYUKYO UMESHU KOMAGATAKE BARREL AGED 品目 リキュール タイプ 本格梅酒 特徴 ウイスキー樽で熟成させた梅酒 原材料 梅実、ブランデー(国内製造)、ウイスキー、糖類 製造所 マルス駒ヶ岳蒸溜所 製造者 本坊酒造株式会社+M
訳アリ 特価 処分品 在庫無くなり次第終了 製造2023.6月 清酒 くらのすけ パック 3L×4本 1ケース お買い得 送料無料

訳アリ 特価 処分品 在庫無くなり次第終了 製造2023.6月 清酒 くらのすけ パック 3L×4本 1ケース お買い得 送料無料

¥2,980 JPY
美味しさとお手頃価格のヒミツ・・・ 伝統と最新技術のあわせ技 代々受け継がれた伝統の技を最新技術に置き換え、これまで人手に頼っていた工程を自動化することにより、繊細な温度管理や手作業では困難な大型発酵タンクの仕込を実現しました。 ※一般的な仕込の約13倍に相当する40tのお米を仕込むことが出来るようになりました。
焼酎 芋 36度 あらわざ バレル フィニッシュ ARAWAZA BARREL FINISH 700ml 1本

焼酎 芋 36度 あらわざ バレル フィニッシュ ARAWAZA BARREL FINISH 700ml 1本

¥2,600 JPY
商品説明 「あらわざ・バレル・フィニッシュ」は、特許「磨き蒸留」により生み出された爽やかでフルーティーな香りと味わいの芋焼酎原酒を、本坊酒造のシングルモルトウイスキーに使用した樽で追加熟成(フィニッシュ)した逸品です。淡い琥珀色を帯び、ハーブやスパイス香の中にもふわりと広がるウッディーでバニラを感じさせる甘くエレガントなニュアンスをお楽しみください。 商品情報 商品名:あらわざ バレル フィニッシュ内容量:700mlアルコール度数:36度 注意事項 ・商品リニューアル等により、パッケージデザイン、内容量、成分等が変更され、表示画像と異なる場合がございます。・大量注文等で一時在庫切れが発生する場合がございます。・他のサイトでも販売中で、在庫がない場合もあります。品切れの際は注文をキャンセルすることがありますので、ご了承ください。
Sapporo Beer Barley Shochu 25° Wara Mugi 1.8L x 1 Bottle, Potato Shochu 25° Karari Potato 1.8L x 1 Barley/Potato Set

Sapporo Beer Barley Shochu 25° Wara Mugi 1.8L x 1 Bottle, Potato Shochu 25° Karari Potato 1.8L x 1 Barley/Potato Set

¥4,345 JPY
A comparison set of Sapporo Beer's potato shochu and barley shochu. Also recommended as gifts!
Kinoshita Sake Brewery Sake Tamagawa Special Junmai 1.8L Bottle Kyotango Local Sake

Kinoshita Sake Brewery Sake Tamagawa Special Junmai 1.8L Bottle Kyotango Local Sake

¥2,805 JPY
The Tango Peninsula is famous for crabs, but oyster farming is also popular in Kumihama Bay, which is a few minutes away from the warehouse. Tamagawa Special Junmai Sake, a...
Sapporo Beer Shochu Class A 25° Sapporo Shochu 1.8L Bottle

Sapporo Beer Shochu Class A 25° Sapporo Shochu 1.8L Bottle

¥1,485 JPY
A mild-tasting shochu created by blending refreshing shochu and mellow shochu.
Sapporo Beer Potato Shochu 25° Karariimo 1.8L Bottle

Sapporo Beer Potato Shochu 25° Karariimo 1.8L Bottle

¥2,365 JPY
Developed jointly with Kosho Jozo, a long-established brewery in Kagoshima Prefecture. It is characterized by the simple, warm sweetness of sweet potatoes (100% Kogane Sengan) and a refreshing aftertaste.
Sapporo Beer Barley Shochu 25° Waramugi 1.8L Bottle

Sapporo Beer Barley Shochu 25° Waramugi 1.8L Bottle

¥2,008 JPY
Authentic barley shochu with a fruity aroma and fresh taste. We propose a new value of authentic barley shochu that allows you to enjoy the aroma.
Suntory Plum Wine Yamazaki Distillery Storage Roasted Barrel Aged Plum Wine Rich Amber 20° 750ml

Suntory Plum Wine Yamazaki Distillery Storage Roasted Barrel Aged Plum Wine Rich Amber 20° 750ml

¥6,000 JPY
Plum wine matured in whiskey barrels is blended with ``fragrant malt whiskey'' and ``grain whiskey matured in plum wine barrels.'' A modest yet aromatic sweetness, a high-quality barrel aroma, and...
Suntory Plum Wine Yamazaki Distillery Storage Roasted Barrel Aged Plum Wine 17° 750ml

Suntory Plum Wine Yamazaki Distillery Storage Roasted Barrel Aged Plum Wine 17° 750ml

¥3,124 JPY
Authentic plum wine unique to Suntory, made by combining plum wine that has been carefully aged in whiskey barrels with whiskey that has been post-ripened in plum wine barrels. It...
Koyama Honke Sake Brewery Sake Selected Shihaizakura 1.8L Bottle Shihaizakura

Koyama Honke Sake Brewery Sake Selected Shihaizakura 1.8L Bottle Shihaizakura

¥1,155 JPY
Made with high-quality water and carefully selected rice, this sake has a light taste that you won't get tired of drinking. You can enjoy the full-bodied and satisfying taste of...
Hakurei Sake Brewery Plum Wine Shuten Doji Kyo Plum Wine 500ml Bottle Kyotango Local Sake Hakurei

Hakurei Sake Brewery Plum Wine Shuten Doji Kyo Plum Wine 500ml Bottle Kyotango Local Sake Hakurei

¥1,045 JPY
We use plenty of ``Kyoto Plum Wine'' and ``Ripe Cloudy Plum Wine'' made from plum fruits grown in Kyoto Prefecture, as well as natural yuzu juice. ``Yuzu-tan'' can be enjoyed...
Cheongshu Sakura Brewing Sake Nobunaga Mini Onikoroshi Pack 180ml x 30 bottles 1 case

Cheongshu Sakura Brewing Sake Nobunaga Mini Onikoroshi Pack 180ml x 30 bottles 1 case

¥3,135 JPY
Made using 100% domestically produced rice, steamed rice carefully prepared by the brewer, where the life of the rice is kept alive. It has been loved for about 36 years....
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Aragoshi All Stars 1.8 liters x 5 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Aragoshi All Stars 1.8 liters x 5 bottles

¥16,900 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a new type of liqueur with a fruity flavor that is made by blending a Japanese sake-based liqueur that utilizes the techniques of sake breweries with...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Aragoshi All Stars 720ml x 5 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Aragoshi All Stars 720ml x 5 bottles

¥8,480 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a new type of liqueur with a fruity flavor that blends plenty of domestic fruit pulp and juice with a sake-based liqueur that takes advantage of...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 1.8 liters x 6 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 1.8 liters x 6 bottles

¥20,280 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a fruit alcoholic beverage made by blending sake brewed by the brewery with plenty of carefully selected domestic fruits. We are proud of the overwhelming deliciousness...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 1.8 liters x 3 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 1.8 liters x 3 bottles

¥10,140 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a fruit alcoholic beverage made by blending sake brewed by the brewery with plenty of carefully selected domestic fruits. We are proud of the overwhelming deliciousness...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 12 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 12 bottles

¥19,080 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a fruit alcoholic beverage made by blending sake brewed by the brewery with plenty of carefully selected domestic fruits. We are proud of the overwhelming deliciousness...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 6 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 6 bottles

¥9,780 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a fruit alcoholic beverage made by blending sake brewed by the brewery with plenty of carefully selected domestic fruits. We are proud of the overwhelming deliciousness...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 3 bottles

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Japanese Fruit Sake Select Set 720ml x 3 bottles

¥5,100 JPY
The ``Aragoshi'' series is a fruit alcoholic beverage made by blending sake brewed by the brewery with plenty of carefully selected domestic fruits. We are proud of the overwhelming deliciousness...
Kasumi Tsuru Kasumitsuru Raw Motokara Kuchi 1.8L

Kasumi Tsuru Kasumitsuru Raw Motokara Kuchi 1.8L

¥2,180 JPY
"Tajima's pride" 1. Quality first 1. Community first 1. Sincerity comes first Kimoto/Yamahaizo — Natural lactic acid bacteria fermentation Kasumi Tsuru uses the ``Ikimoto-zukuri'' sake manufacturing method, which has been...
Hakurei Sake Brewery Kyo Plum Wine 1800ml

Hakurei Sake Brewery Kyo Plum Wine 1800ml

¥2,299 JPY
raw materials Plum, sake, fructose, brewed alcohol Alcohol content 12 degrees capacity 1.8L
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi “Momo” 8 degrees 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 or more bottles!》

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi “Momo” 8 degrees 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 or more bottles!》

¥1,540 JPY
This fruity liqueur is made with generous amounts of sweet, juicy white peaches grown in the sun in Wakayama and Yamanashi. It has a fruity feel, just the right amount...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Plum Wine 12% 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 bottles or more!》 Sake base

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Plum Wine 12% 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 bottles or more!》 Sake base

¥1,540 JPY
We blended the pulp of approximately 18 plums into 1,800ml of ``Umenoyado Umeshu'' to create ``Aragoshi Umeshu'' full of fruitiness. This is a dessert plum wine that you can fully...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Plum Wine 12% 1.8L 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 3 bottles or more!》 Sake base

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Plum Wine 12% 1.8L 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 3 bottles or more!》 Sake base

¥3,380 JPY
We blended the pulp of approximately 18 plums into 1,800ml of ``Umenoyado Umeshu'' to create ``Aragoshi Umeshu'' full of fruitiness. This is a dessert plum wine that you can fully...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Ringo 1.8L 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 3 or more bottles!》

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Ringo 1.8L 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 3 or more bottles!》

¥3,380 JPY
Based on 120 years of history. Nara is the land of Manyo, where a monument commemorating the birthplace of Japanese sake was erected at Bodaizan Shorakuji Temple, and legend has...
Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Ringo 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 or more bottles!》

Umenoyado Sake Brewery Aragoshi Ringo 720ml 《Free shipping nationwide for purchases of 6 or more bottles!》

¥1,540 JPY
Based on 120 years of history. Nara is the land of Manyo, where a monument commemorating the birthplace of Japanese sake was erected at Bodaizan Shorakuji Temple, and legend has...
[Suntory] Plum wine, stored at Yamazaki Distillery, roasted barrel-aged plum wine, 17°, 750ml, 1 bottle, Wilkinson Tansan, 190ml bottle, 5 bottles, Plum wine and soda set

[Suntory] Plum wine, stored at Yamazaki Distillery, roasted barrel-aged plum wine, 17°, 750ml, 1 bottle, Wilkinson Tansan, 190ml bottle, 5 bottles, Plum wine and soda set

¥3,480 JPY
Authentic plum wine unique to Suntory, made by combining plum wine that has been carefully aged in whiskey barrels with whiskey that has been post-ripened in plum wine barrels. It...
[Choya] CHOYA plum wine 14° Kishu plum fruit 720ml 1 bottle

[Choya] CHOYA plum wine 14° Kishu plum fruit 720ml 1 bottle

¥1,040 JPY
We use 100% domestic plums, mainly from Kishu. This is the standard for authentic plum wine. The slim bottle fits perfectly in the refrigerator door pocket. There are bottles without...
[Choya] CHOYA Plum Wine 14° The Choya Black 700ml 1 bottle Wilkinson Tansan 190ml bottle 5 bottles Plum wine and soda set

[Choya] CHOYA Plum Wine 14° The Choya Black 700ml 1 bottle Wilkinson Tansan 190ml bottle 5 bottles Plum wine and soda set

¥1,250 JPY
A masterpiece born from many years of experience and data in making plum wine. Choya believes that ``aging'' is the highest added value, and ``blending technology'' is essential for making...
[Choya] CHOYA Plum Wine 14° The Choya Black 700ml 1 bottle

[Choya] CHOYA Plum Wine 14° The Choya Black 700ml 1 bottle

¥940 JPY
A masterpiece born from many years of experience and data in making plum wine. Choya believes that ``aging'' is the highest added value, and ``blending technology'' is essential for making...
[Suntory] Plum wine 20° Plum wine barrel finish <Yamazaki Barrel Plum Wine Blend> 750ml bottle/Tomomasu Beverage Strong carbonated water 500ml PET 5 bottles Plum wine soda split set

[Suntory] Plum wine 20° Plum wine barrel finish 750ml bottle/Tomomasu Beverage Strong carbonated water 500ml PET 5 bottles Plum wine soda split set

¥1,750 JPY
Finished with plum wine aged in barrels from the Yamazaki Distillery, the hometown of Japanese whisky, and with a secret ingredient of brandy, it has a rich taste with an...
[Suntory] Yamazaki Distillery Roasted Barrel-Made Plum Wine 660ml

[Suntory] Yamazaki Distillery Roasted Barrel-Made Plum Wine 660ml

¥2,680 JPY
Aged plum wine in whiskey barrels! ? Let's take a closer look at the charm of Yamazaki plum wine, which has an unprecedented taste. Plum wine made over many years...